Inkomen genereren door met open source tools samen te werken, 'Delving' en meer...

  • jun 2013
  • Verwijderde gebruiker
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  • Aangepast jun 2024
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KIA Community

artikel : Open source community on cultural heritage software is sharing business models

"... A community of software developers working on Delving, open source tools tailored to capture, display and enrich the data of cultural heritage institutions, are exchanging models on how to generate income, collaborating with a growing number of museums and libraries. [...]

Siebinga presented Delving last week Wednesday, in a meeting organised by Joinup to bring together several open source software projects targeting museums and libraries. The online meeting was also attended by developers of Kramerius, a specialised open source content management system, that helps to preserve historic documents and make them available online, as well as users of Koha, a well-known open source library system.".

Delving (Twitter), bestaat uit open source tools om datasets online te brengen, zie de internetpagina: The Delving Platform: The Big Picture voor meer informatie.

Kramerius (code : Google code)

KOHA (code : GitHub)


personen Gerald de Jong, Sjoerd Siebinga.

gerelateerd - Wat ik heb geleerd over Open Data; - Fw: Re: Het disruptieve archief?; - Document Freedom Day 2012 "Terug naar de toekomst"; - Europees digitaal erfgoed vrijwaren [...] met open source software; - meer... open source (tag, search).


één reactie, 6 juni 2013
  • De website Joinup van de Europese Commissie meldt dat Kramerius een prijs heeft gewonnen : Award for Czech open source library content management system Kramerius "... Kramerius provides libraries with access to digital documents. It is especially useful for accessing digitized rare books, monographs and periodicals and collections of maps, sheet music, born-digital documents and audio recordings. The system can also be used by library visitors and users. It allows searching in meta-data as well as full text, can generate PDF documents from selected pages and supports the creation of virtual collections and many other administrative operations with stored digital documents...."

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