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1st Call- International Iron Gall Ink Meeting 2019
Dear Colleagues, The University of Barcelona (in conjunction with the Spanish Cultural Heritage Institute and the General Subdirectorate of State Archives in Spain) is organizing the III International Iron Gall Ink Meeting (IGI2019BCN). We would like to invite you to participate in this Meeting and submit your contributions related to the history of iron gall ink as well as the recent developments related to the study of the degradation processes and associated proposals for conservation, preservation and exhibition of manuscripts and works of art created with Iron Gall Ink. The official languages of the meeting are English and Spanish. The meeting will be fitted with Spanish–English simultaneous translation and presentations can be submitted in anyone of these two languages. The meeting will be hosted by the Faculty of Biology of the University of Barcelona, (Av. Diagonal 643) in Barcelona on 13-15 February 2019. More information about the call of papers, preliminary program and registration procedure at: www.ub.edu/IGI2019BCN Deadline for abstracts submission: June 10, 2018 e-mail contact: IGI2019BCN@ub.edu Organizers apology if you receive this call more than one time from different sources. We hope to meet you in Barcelona. Sincerely, M.C. Sistach and Jose F. Garcia IGI2019BCN@ub.edu On behalf the organizing committee. Jose F. Garcia Coordinador Master Quimica Analitica Departament d'Enginyeria Quimica i Quimica Analitica Facultat de Quimiques Universitat de Barcelona C/ Diagonal 645, 08028 Barcelona, Spain Phone: 34-93-4021281 Fax: 34-93-4021233 http://www.ub.edu/questram_r/research/PSm.html http://www.ub.edu/questram_r/research/patrimoni.html
M. Carme Sistach Archivo de la Corona de Aragon Ministerio de Educación Cultura y Deporte C/ Almogávares, 77, 08018 Barcelona, Spain Teléfono. 93 485 4285 Fax: 93 300 1252 III International Iron Gall Ink Meeting IGI-Barcelona-MEETING February 13th – 15th, 2019 www.ub.edu/IGI2019BCN Faculty of Biology, Av. Diagonal 643, Barcelona Organized by the University of Barcelona In conjunction with the Spanish Cultural Heritage Institute and the General Subdirectorate of State Archives in Spain Call for papers Research on corrosion of manuscripts caused by iron gall ink activity has been the subject of two previous meetings that were held at the University of Northumbria, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. The first Iron Gall Ink Meeting was on September, 4th and 5th, 2000, and the second was on January 24-27, 2006. Research in this area is still ongoing and includes other transition metals and the study of complementary parameters that contribute to the effects of severe degradation. New studies provide large amounts of information about the degradation processes, and suggest methods and treatment protocols to counteract this important and widespread problem that affects archival documents and works of art. The IGI-Barcelona Meeting will embrace the study of the physical and chemical factors that develop the processes of iron gall ink / metal-tannic ink degradation, and the latest studies that discuss contributory factors and the control of such degradation, the migration of ions, influence of humidity and heat, aqueous or controlled moisture treatments, distribution of acidity and local pH, and biodegradation. The meeting will include development of innovative methods for the conservation, restoration and preservation of manuscripts and/or works of art; the history of iron gall ink’s recipes and methods of manufacture over the centuries; new proposals for procedures and products that provide new treatments for the recovering of damaged ink-corroded materials, and requirements for proper handling, exhibition, preservation and digitization. Topics 1. History of preparing iron gall inks through the centuries, including also industrially made 20th century iron gall inks; 2. Evaluation of degradation of iron gall/metal-tannic inks and ethical consequences of a treatment in manuscripts and works of art; 3. Analytical procedures for the characterization of manuscripts and works of art; 4. Solvents: reagents, adhesives and consolidation used in conservation treatments for manuscripts and works of art: effectiveness and requirements to obtain the best results; 5. Methods, processes and stabilisation treatments; 6. New compounds and procedures for the intervention of badly damaged iron gall ink/ metal-tannic manuscripts and works of art with very severe degradation; 7. Mass treatments to stabilize iron gall/metal-tannic ink materials after natural or man-made disasters; 8. Storage and monitoring of manuscripts and works of art; 9. The needs and requirements to guarantee the proper manipulation, exhibition, conservation and digitalization of bound and unbound manuscripts and works of art; and 10. Biodeterioration of manuscripts and works of art containing iron gall ink/metal-tannic. Language: The meeting will be with simultaneous English-Spanish language translation.
Attendance: 200 Presentations: Oral and posters, in English or Spanish language (link)
Registration fee: Early registration before 30 October 2018: 285euros. After 30 October: 350 euros. (link) : www.ub.edu/IGI2019BCN
Key dates for abstract submission: June 10 2018: Deadline for submission of short abstracts (500 words. September 15 2018: Notification of acceptance of the work. After the acceptance the extended abstract will be requested. November 30 2018: Deadline for the submission of extended abstract: 3 sheets.