Informatieblad Omgaan met Originelen Stadsarchief Rotterdam heeft ook in coronatijd nieuwe collega's ...
Hierbij het verzoek, voor degene die het betreft, bij te dragen aan de onderstaande survey.
I would like to share our survey with you as the last reminder, thank you. Thank you for taking the time to fill out this survey, which is part of a research study being undertaken by Lisa Russ at the National Film and Sound Archive of Australia. The aim of this survey is to seek audiovisual conservators and film technicians’ opinions about film conservation processes and their experience. Please respond by Friday 15 February 2019. Feel free to share this survey with your colleagues, but let us know before sharing it on social media by emailing media@nfsa.gov.au. The outcomes of the survey will be shared with the survey participants after we finalise a research paper/presentation. Please make sure to provide us with your email address if you are interested to hear back from us. Please find the survey link here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/G3PGZJ2
Thanks for your help. Lisa Russ, Objects Conservator Collections Conservation, Collection Stewardship National Film and Sound Archive of Australia Lisa.Russ@nfsa.gov.au Research coordinator: Dr Mona Soleymani Manager, Collections Conservation Collections Conservation, Collection Stewardship National Film and Sound Archive of Australia Mona.Soleymani@nfsa.gov.au