Googledoodle for International Archives Day?

  • jun 2013
  • Anneke van Waarden-Koets
  • ·
  • Aangepast 27 jun
  • 2
  • 44
Anneke van Waarden-Koets
KIA Community
  • Christian van der Ven

We really want Google to pick up on this – Please help us promote the idea!

In 2011 and 2012 we celebrated International Archives Day on June 9th by doing a worldwide #AskArchivists / #FollowAnArchive event on Twitter. We would like to do it again – if archives and archivists support the idea. But this year we would like the day to be extra special. During the past years, Google has used variations on their logo to draw attention to people and causes worth noticing. Among the doodles are little works of art highlighting things as different as New Year, Chaplins Birthday, Opening of the Arcropolis Museum, Singapore Art Festival and National Library Week. But it seems, that there has never been an doodle on archives.

So why should archives deserve a place on the worlds largest search engine?

1) Archives contain the unique written memories of the world. Our collections are diverse, and contain records on paper, electronic records, sound, pictures and much more. But regardless of form, they are a vital part of our heritage. 2) Archives play a vital part in democracy. Without archives, the world would face immense difficulties in reconstructing our political, economic, social, national, local – or personal – history with a sufficient credibility. 3) Archives are for all. When conducted in accordance with the ICA code of ethics, archives ensure, that our history becomes diverse and open to a variety of interpretations: “Archivists should promote the widest possible access to archival material and provide an impartial service to all users.” 4) Archives provide resource for academic researchers and students, but they are also a fountain knowledge for all, and support livelong, self-directed learning. Whether driven by interest in local history, genealogy or other topics, archives are a place, where thousands of non-scholars gain new knowledge, skills and competences. 5) Google itself is in many ways related to archives, providing access to informations and helping people search and find what they need to grow in knowledge.

So please Google, help us celebrate the content and mission of archives all over the world on June 9th which is the International Archives Day.

Inspire Google with ideas for an #archivesdoodle

We all can help Google with ideas for an archives doodle! What do you think are specific ingredients for an archives doodle? Draw them, make a picture of them or write it down. Tweet your ideas from June 1 untill June 8 with the hashtag #archivesdoodle.

Will International Archives Day on June 9 be celebrated with a Googledoodle?

Yes! We think archives earn a googledoodle on International Archives Day, June 9!

Bronnen: Weblog Ask Archivists en weblog Follow An Archive.


2 reacties, meest recent: 4 juni 2013
  • Your logo, with the seal, is already a fine example! Perhaps the word 'Google' could be set in an old handwriting, as found in our records. I think Google would be crazy nót to use such a nice doodle! :-)

    Christian van der Ven
  • Thanks for the suggestion and the compliments! Charlotte has made a great #archivesdoodle ;-)

    Anneke van Waarden-Koets
