
  • mrt 2020
  • Mark Alphenaar
  • ·
  • Aangepast jun 2024
  • 4
  • 127
Mark Alphenaar
Particuliere Websites en SoMe
  • KIA Community Manager
  • Daniëlle van Mourik
  • Violet
  • Marieke Klomp
  • Zefi Kavvadia

Weet iemand een goede (gratis) tool om Facebookgroepen archiveren? En nee, de functie die Facebook heeft voor het archiveren (en downloaden) van een pagina werkt niet op publieke groepen zoals 'Je bent Alkmaarder als'.
Met vriendelijke groet,


4 reacties, meest recent: 27 maart 2020
  • Hello Mark! I am reacting in English because my Dutch is still loading - but have you tried Webrecorder? It is a very simple tool that allows you to make a faithful copy of a page as you browse and click through it. it has an online version for which you can make a free account, and there is a desktop version too which you can download from Github. Both are actively in development and very easy to use. If you need any more tips about them or anything related, don't hesitate to write back!

    Zefi Kavvadia
  • Hello Zefi, I tried webrecorder. Works great on normal websites but is has a lot of trouble doing its work for a Facebook group. At one time Facebook even blocked my personel Facebook account but it didn't trust the traffic to its site. It's very very slow. The Autopilot doesn't seem to work with such a group.
    Posts in the group have a lot of replies. I have to open them all by hand.
    I have downloaded the WARC file. I'm not sure if this is workable.
    Have you tried the recorder with a Facebook group?
    Best regards,

    Mark Alphenaar
  • Hi Mark, it is true that recording groups or pages, in which lots of threads with comments exist, is not easy even for Webrecorder. The Autopilot feature is not completely stable yet, from what I gather, so it will definitely work better some times than others.
    I have tried indeed to record Facebook groups and pages by hand on Webrecorder - thankfully only a few of them, so I could afford the luxury of clicking manually through replies.
    The truth is that Facebook especially is highly problematic in terms of archiving - they almost seem to be deliberately designing their platform to passively resist it.
    Thus, apart from devoting extra time to capture these groups manually, my only other suggestion would be to experiment with alternative tools (e.g. browsertrix (made by the same developers as Webrecorder) or brozzler (mabe by the Internet Archive)). Just a caveat though: these tools have only rudimentary user interfaces, and they are installed and used via command-line. So they do need some more advanced knowledge.

    I am actually involved in an NDE-funded project for the testing of social media archiving tools, which started very recently, so I am at the moment going through a process of discovering and experimenting with tools like the ones I mentioned above. So, while I am not an expert, if you do decide to try them out, you can reach out and we could exchange tips or so.

    Zefi Kavvadia
  • Hoi Mark,
    Is Archiefweb een (tijdelijke) oplossing. Het is niet gratis, maar toch.
    Ik heb er persoonlijk alleen ervaring mee in het archiveren van websites.
    Marieke Klomp

    Marieke Klomp
