Palestine in Focus - Archiving vs Erasure

16:00-17:30LocatieInternationaal Instituut voor Sociale GeschiedenisCategorieBijeenkomstPalestine in Focus
  • 1
  • 317
  • 1
  • Rose Spijkerman
  • Ma 13 jan
  • 16:00-17:30
KIA Community
  • Rose Spijkerman

Our seventh Palestine in Focus discusses archiving and archives, and more specifically, institutional practices and responsibility regarding Palestinian heritage.

Over more than a year, we have had to witness how Israel has increasingly targeted both Palestinian archives and archivists in the ongoing invasion and genocide of Palestine and its people. The destruction of Palestinian heritage is a form of “epistemicide,” used by the Israeli state, to wipe out Palestinian histories, culture, sovereignty, and identities since the Nakba of 1948. In their talks, dr. Jamila Ghaddar and Leila Musson both touch on different consequences of this destruction.

Dr. Jamila Ghaddar will discuss how people are trying to address erasures and losses in Palestine and Lebanon. More specifically, she will talk about the Fighting Erasure initiative, its key activities and goals, the archiving in place framework the project, and what it looks like to try to actively archive against genocide in practice. While sharing lessons learned and ways people can get involved, Ghaddar discusses the many challenges of doing this work while being silenced and in the face of the general abandonment of the international community of our Palestinian colleagues.

Leila Musson will discuss the systematic destruction and looting of Palestinian archives and libraries, and how systematic destruction serves colonial mythmaking & symbolic annihilation. She will include examples from the IISH catalogue that contribute to the latter, and discuses how archival responsibility should be working to counter epistemic violence, colonial erasure and the cultural dimensions of genocide.

Date 13 January
Time 16:00
Place IISG, Cruquiusweg 31, Amsterdam
Entrance Free entrance, but please register at

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