
  • mei 2021
  • Hans Laagland
  • ·
  • Aangepast jun 2024
  • 242
Hans Laagland
Preservation Digitaal Erfgoed
  • Annelot Vijn
  • Angela Puggioni NDE
  • Verwijderde gebruiker

Webinar: What I wish I knew about digital preservation (Collaboration and Networking Edition) – 9th June, 1400-1530 CEST

Ever wondered how to get started with preserving digital materials? Ever wondered who to ask for help and support? What would you ask a panel of digital preservation support networks given the chance?

On 9th June, 1400 – 1530 CEST, as part of International Archives Week, the Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) and International Council on Archives (ICA) are reprising the successful webinar ‘What I wish I knew about Digital Preservation,’ this time focusing on collaboration and networking. The webinar will be a roundtable discussion bringing together experts from around the world to discuss what they (now) know about digital preservation, in particular about their experiences of collaboration and networking in achieving digital preservation goals.

In this webinar, the DPC will introduce the theme of digital preservation before handing over to an expert panel of international collaborators within the digital preservation community. The panellists will each introduce their networks and their own areas of expertise, before answering questions and discussing with attendees how to get started or make progress with digital preservation challenges through collaboration.
The webinar will take place in English, with the option to pre-submit and ask questions in English, Spanish and French.

Register now and pre-submit your questions for the digital preservation collaboration panel.
