Call for Papers Journal of Open Humanities Data

  • jul 2024
  • Maaike Verburg
  • 150
Maaike Verburg
Preservation Digitaal Erfgoed

Erfgoedprofessionals, onderzoekers en databeheerders opgelet! Draag bij aan de Speciale Collectie van het Journal of Open Humanities Data over GLAM-collecties als data (GLAM staat voor Galleries, Libraries, Archives, Museums). De focus ligt op innovatieve benaderingen en praktische oplossingen om GLAM-instellingen te helpen hun collecties als data beter te organiseren en toegankelijk te maken.

Deadline abstract inzending: 1 augustus 2024. Meer info op

Volledige tekst (Engels):

Amplifying GLAM Collections: Scalable and Inclusive Data Practices

We are pleased to invite cultural heritage practitioners such as librarians, archivists, curators, and data stewards as well as researchers, scholars, and practitioners collaborating with them, to contribute to a Special Collection of the Journal of Open Humanities Data (JOHD) that focuses on GLAM (galleries, libraries, archives, and museums) collections as data. This is the first Collection by GLAM and for GLAM workers for JOHD and, to the best of our knowledge, for any other humanities data journal. We encourage both research and data paper submissions about data derived from cultural heritage collections with potential reuse value for other cultural heritage organisations or researchers.

There has long been a tendency in academia to regard GLAM work as a pure service role rather than a role that can encompass research and dataset curation. This lamentable tendency is especially problematic in the ever-accelerating digital age when GLAM data and GLAM practitioners have an important role to play in how we understand cultural phenomena at scale.

This Special Collection aims to showcase innovative approaches and practical solutions to support information professionals in GLAM institutions of any size in enhancing the organisation and accessibility of their collections as data. The goal is for the papers of this Collection to empower GLAM institutions with the tools, methodologies, and knowledge necessary to navigate the digital landscape effectively. In the current digital landscape, it becomes imperative to ensure that the entire spectrum of institutions, regardless of size, can actively contribute to and benefit from scalable data curation practices, thus contributing to a more inclusive information landscape.

We will prioritise submissions which explicitly address dataset creation and stewardship methods that can be applied in low-resource, time-stretched situations.

We also welcome submission of methods papers detailing successful examples of providing access to such collections as data, and of facilitating collaborations between GLAM and academic scholars, as well as community-based practitioners and collections stewards.

Topics may include, but are not limited to:

Reflections on practical knowledge organisation methodologies for libraries, archives, and cultural heritage institutions.

Case studies demonstrating successful implementation of Semantic Web and Linked Open Data technologies and how they can be applied in smaller organisational settings.

Designing scalable conceptual models, knowledge graphs, ontologies, and Semantic Web solutions tailored for libraries, archives, and cultural heritage institutions.

Application of FAIR principles and CARE principles in libraries and archives for improved findability, accessibility, interoperability, and reusability.

Ownership of data, copyright and licensing

Overcoming challenges and constraints in managing digital collections and/or implementing Linked Open Data in resource-limited environments.

Collaboration and knowledge-sharing initiatives to empower GLAM institutions of any size in adapting to modern information organisation standards.

Integration of minimal computing tools, approaches, and methods into accessible knowledge organisation workflows.

Creation of training datasets for Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence

For more information, see the JOHD website:

Amplifying GLAM Collections: Scalable and Inclusive Data Practices | Journal of Open Humanities Data

The??Journal of Open Humanities Data (JOHD)??aims to be a key part of a thriving community of sch...