Functional requirements for social media archiving tools (open-source)
The list of functional requirements below is based on an earlier project carried out within IISG which...
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The quality attributes mentioned below refer to the features of the tools as software itself, i.e. the ways it achieves what it has been designed to do. They themselves affect the quality of the user experience it offers and the tool’s sustainability (Chung et al. 2000).
The requirements listed below were taken from the practice of software testing and software selection. While most of the academic and professional literature on software testing and software selection seems to be geared towards software used in business (and thus targets developers, analysts, and information architects), there is still merit in making use of tested, used, and widely documented principles and adjusting them to our purposes.
How important is it for a tool to have all these attributes?These quality attributes can best be thought of as features on a continuum, rather than something that the tools either have or do not have. After all, different tools could be combined to fit one’s purposes.
1. | Usability |
2. | Scalability |
3. | Reliability |
4. | Security |