Publieksevent webarchivering bij Beeld en Geluid
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De KB en Beeld & Geluid organiseren dit jaar op 11 en 12 mei het congres over webarchivering van het International Internet Preservation Consortium (IIPC). Dit is bedoeld voor professionals die zich bezighouden met webarchivering. Op woensdag 10 mei vindt er ook een bijeenkomst plaats voor het publiek.
Heb jij interesse in webarchivering en webarcheologie? Dan ben je 10 mei van harte welkom bij Beeld & Geluid.
Tijdens het gratis publieksevenement nemen de organisatoren je mee naar de vroege dagen van het Nederlandse internet. Collecties als De Digitale Stad en de XS4all-homepages staan centraal. Ook kun je in gesprek en kennismaken met organisaties die zich in Nederland en daarbuiten bezighouden met webarchivering. Aanmelden voor deze bijeenkomst is verplicht.
Programma (in English)
This public event, hosted by the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision (NISV) and co-organised by KB – National Library of the Netherlands and IIPC, will feature presentations on the Netherlands UNESCO projects as well as an introduction to collaborative, transnational web archiving. Presentations will be followed by a panel discussion moderated by Tamara van Zwol, Dutch Digital Heritage Network.
Kees Teszelszky, KB: XS4ALL homepages collection
Kees Teszelszky is a curator for digital collections at KB, National Library of the Netherlands. He played an important role in saving Dutch digital content from the early day of the internet. XS4ALL was one of the first internet providers in the Netherlands. When the provider announced to pull the plug in 2019, KB started a web collection for XS4ALL homepages. Thousand of homepages that were made between 1994 and 2001, are archived and show a unique insight in the early period of Dutch online culture. Kees will show some treasures of this collections and tells us more about the UNESCO World Heritage status that this collection received in 2022.
Youssef Eldakar, Bibliotheca Alexandrina: 20 years of collaborative web archiving
Youssef Eldakar is this years chair of the International Internet Preservation Consortium (IIPC). He will tell more about the work and mission of this international organization and the importance of web archiving.
Marieke Brugman, UNESCO
KBs XS4ALL web collection was listed as UNESCO Memory of the World Heritage for the Dutch list. The Digital City is momentarily under review for the worldwide Unesco Memory of the World list. Marieke Brugman is part of the Dutch Unesco commission and will tell more about the UNESCO process of reviewing proposals and the importance of digital heritage
Adres: Mediapark, Hilversum